Staying Motivated During a Third Lockdown

Lockdown number 3. We have all been here before, we all made it through 2 previous lockdowns, yet this one seems to be different and taking its toll on most of our motivations.

During the first one we all believed it would be one and done, the sun was shining for the most part and many of us enjoyed taking our training outdoors for a bit. The second one we all believed once again that it would be the final one and it seemed shorted lived, and at the very least dryer enabling us to focus on our running. This time round we have lost the hope of it being short lived or even the final one. It’s cold and wet, and we are all now feeling the lockdown fatigue. So how can we find the will and motivation to keep moving and training?

For me personally the most important thing is my “why”. I had the privilege during my courses to cross paths with some amazing coaches and one of them told me never to forget my “why”. Why do I train? Because it’s an expression of gratitude for the body I have, because it’s the one time of day that revolves around me and not the needs of those around me, because during that time the only thing on my mind is the task at hand so it silences everything else going on in my head. My training is linked to my mental health, they go hand in hand, and if I don’t look after me I can’t look after everyone else.

Aside from that, having someone you are accountable to makes all the difference. We are fortunate to have a community that checks in with each other and you should all tap into that. Sign into the classes together, compare your workout scores or go for a run together. Set each other challenges, support each other’s goals. Our community is your strength.

Finally lockdown might mean you don’t have a barbell but you have so much else you could do and should do. You can come back to the gym with strengths and skills you didn’t have before such as - Handstand push-up, pistols, double-unders, running, pull-ups, improved mobility .... the list goes on. Lockdown is only an excuse if you let it be. Tell your wod partners what you need a help with, tell your coaches. We are all in this together.

Anna Atras